please read the following definition..which will soon be added in wikipedia...courtesy yours truly

A Girl Quotient or G.Q is a score derived from one of several different standardized tests attempting to measure intelligence about women. G.Q tests are used as predictors of flirting achievements. People with low G.Q scores are sometimes placed in special-needs education(what the f!@#.... please don ask me what education), and people with high G.Q scores are placed in gifted programs or enrichment programs(yeah these bas!@#s take away the girls).
Hmmmm..nobody can deny the fact dat almost all guys fall for girls... and are apparently suckered into voluntary suicide.....(i swear....i can already hear some women screaming at the top of their voice...and hell yeah!!! ...i am dead meat!! i losing my G.Q???)
Even Adam who was happy roaming freely with his dangling organs (keeeeen!!!keeeeen!!) was eventually doomed for life by the ever so intelligent Eve... yeah dudes..start believing...we are the losers... and still love losing.... (all smiles!!!....roomies start giving a looooooong speech about how they fell for woman and had absolute bliss!! its all tears now and emotinal scenes...finally family sentiments portrayed in my u !@#$ moderators...please rate this as UNIVERSAL..certified blog)
Not to be left behind in this area of intelligence...our dudes of hemu villa also have a daily as Secret Conclave...(yeah!!! yeah!!! only the cats in the compound don't know about the discussion...coz its busy developing it G.Q to become the cool dude with other kitties)..and the topic of discussion...err..what else u morons...G.I.R.L.S.... we have the in-house who knows how many girls in each section and their C.V....the guys with decent G.Q sharing their experiences and resource management techniques...and finally the guys with low G.Q receiving some gyan from the so called winners. and admist this yours truly taking the Minutes of the Meeting for the benifit of future reference...(Phew!!!finally i could manage to get a imaginative role.... and maintain my diplomatic stance!!!)...
Uhahahaha!!! now its time to put our plan to action....the evil laughter beckons....
scene 1:
time:8 30 am
location: Hemu Villa
Now that discussion is over and its time to sharpen our so called G.Q...... the dudes are dressing to look their best... the deo sprays are being used in high density.... pshhhhhhhh!!!! pshhhhhhh!!!
(ploop! there falls the lizard which was sticking to the wall...)....some hair styling and after scores of poses in front of the mirror...they wear their socks and shoes(ploop! there goes the other lizard falling from the wall....i swear some day this couple is gonna file P.I.L) and go to the college....with a mutual understanding....dat if anyone of us is sitting with a girl in the quadrangle...the other guys wil wave from a distance...and recognizing their wave..our hero wil call them near and introduce them to the girl...
Scene 2:
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: College quadrangle
After some gtalk, sleeping, day dreaming, listening???naa..,and some pysical presence in class is time for a break!!!yipee... and our protagnist some how manages to have lunch with a girl... perfect...we spell it p.e.r.f.e.c.t s.c.e.n.e ...and its time for action... our hopefuls wave promptly at the lucky chap...and jus as u people guessed...the dude..errr....should i say...ditches??...yeah.. ditches the lot and looks the other if the whole world is left sided...and there does not exist any other direction..
the girl thinks these are a set of wannabes jus waving at the helicopter flying-by...and there goes the chance for the lot to improve their G.Q...
the secret conclave ceases to exist and all the members become defunct by the single act of dishonesty of the league member..they swear on their life not to discuss this G.Q anymore in life....they feel dejected..(as if they din know that this was going to happen.... bull crap...their chances of getting an intro by a fellow member was as high as spotting mayawati in a pub!!! )
@$!@%%$#%^@$#.. swearing at the accused.. they decide to tear him apart when he gets back home.... all is ready for hell to break loose...and the traitor enters....everyone charges upon him... this defenceless chap bears the brunt...after 5 minutes of verbal barrage... things calm down.... they recognise the truimph of this lucky champ...praise his luck...and there you go...the secret conclave has started once again(what the f!@# happened to the oath and the promise u might ask....we guys will never stop this discussion till pamela anderson do us apart ) and once again i take down the minutes of the meeting wink!!wink!!
1.Please don mistake dat the characters in the story don do what they were supposed to do-study management education...
believe me...they are learning the new art of management...chick management...
2. this story is fictitious and resemblance to any real events is purely coincidental...(he he!! as if u guys are gonna believe this point)
"we tried our best and yet failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'..."-inspired quote for people who are as straight as jelabi...and who feel G.Q is not relevant for them.. he he he !!!
Update: Type girl quotient + srinath in google and u wil get my blog .... is google upto something??? hmmmm....
peace out