where is the zombie??? well the zombie a.k.a me was dead walking(well err..its sleep walking the other days... bu these 2 weeks i was awake forcefully) for the past 2 weeks because of the e.x.a.m.s which drained the 2 vada pav, 1 thali,2 samosas and shitty dinner energy daily.
Its not the amount of studies that takes a toll, it s the general scare and void created by it which is energy sipping. And add to this the twenty twenty world cup which was by large the most important thing in my daily schedule....watch toss, india batting, india bowling, final presentation, then indian team going to the loo, then to the hotel and till they go to bed to sleep.... err then i realise that i have a exam the next day.... but wait...i have even more important thing to do now...tish!!tish!!tish!! i slap myself for forgeting this...how can i forget to do this...
yeah.... its time to get to bed and do the most important asana in yoga....nidra asana...lay flat on ur back and close ur eyes.deep breathe inside and out...if possible get a blanket and cover ur face also.
phew after a tiring session of yoga... i get up to read...arghmmm... well before that i read the newspaper...for current events?? naaa.... just to read what mr vajpayee had to say about indian team's victory... imagine i would even read classifieds column if it has a mention of cricket... I read the same stuff which i had seen the day before... but still would read it and get excited and kick my roomie who is sleeping peacefully after night-out-studies session(sin number 39870 accumulated... well if ask me what my 39869 sins were.... it was denying myself sleep for the n number of times after coming to mumbai).
Hmmmm then after all this thoughtful exercises which are not even remotely related to exam preparation... my roomies scare the hell out of me.... they have covered 80 percent of the portion and i am yet to read the subject name...
well that was a sfx special effects induced to inform the audience that i have become serious..(uhahahaha!!! uhahahaha!! well thts my roomies laughing their heart out...
tish!!tish!!....thats me responding thru violence... people..u need to accept... i can also become serious in life!!)
Now that i have become serious... i wage a losing battle with the subject... and most of the time it gets the better of me. But i don't lose heart... i just tear the pages and throw them in the dustbin... just to show them who is the boss!! YEAH!!! BABY!! I AM THE BOSS!!
exchanging saddam hussain looks with the bits of papers in the dustbin...(but after a while i go to my friend and ask him.."err...dooode whats their in lesson 5.can u lend me the notes"..these were precisely the same notes i had torn few minutes back..)
hmmm well so confident after the heavy weight preparation... i go to the exam hall to give the paper....thinking i can give a better performance given the fact that we have relative grading. But all the people are useless...they waste their time...no body is ready to join my league....the league of the intellectually repressed lot.
Hmm.. exam one...a sense of small rod being inserted with smooth effect..
exam two.... the rod has become a boulder....and no smooth effect.. its shoved right up.. ouch!!!
exam three... outright rrrraaaappppeee!!!bachao...
exam four...lost sensation..... but same intensity being maintained...
exam five...comfortably numb... now its free for all... all side mental rrrraaappee...
exam six seven and eight.... retired hurt!!! need supporter to walk...
Exam nine.....dead... silence observed...procession held...1/6th manager version1.1 released...
i.e the official trimester over...
phew....now i am here writing my stories and in this process dedicating my cgpa to the indian team for which one soul has rested in peace.
noteby: there was no exam nine for us.... i din realise this...by the time i reached exam six seven and eight..i was in nirvana state and any event happening around me was running on the back up power of my brain.....
jai india!!! jai trimester!!!